Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quietly rising

Been on holiday, but did some decent work on the wiki, so didn't have much time to post here. The wiki does grow nicely, from the basic historical posts to more theoretical affairs, which is good.

Speaking of growth... I keep an eye out on my Google rankings over time, and there is indeed a slow rise noticeable over the few months I have been working with the wiki. Despite minimal outside links and attention, it seems the constant updates are appreciated by some of Google's mysterious internal workings. And irony is never far. These days, if one searches for "Austrian economics", the wiki is on place 46, and the venerable Mises Economics Blog of THE Mises.org is on the lousy position of 57.

And thus novelty prevails over experience and content! Woohoo!


manfred said...

And as expected, the rank didn't last, the wiki dropped to 60 after Mises.org's Blog at #53. Still a nice position for a little page!

manfred said...

As an interesting sideline, I repeated the search today again, and was on place 32. Later that day, I happened to return on the same page and the wiki wasn't there... turns out it was on place 42.

The difference was, that I have updated the wiki shortly before the first search - and Google apparently reacted on it!

So it must be true... updating a page frequently does indeed raise its ranking.