Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, it was the time anyway.

This year, I shall continue to work on the wiki and have some Big Plans for its expansion. One is to have at least 100 article pages (Stubs count, too, but have to have decent size... like most of the already existing Stubs). As that isn't as hard, I have another plan - but that shall not be revealed, not yet at least. Might take a few months to get there.

The wiki has been quoted in a few blog posts in the mean time, so it is slowly acquiring some notoriety. Making it more popular is a general plan as well.

But the real reason why I'm writing here is, that someone has just updated a page and created another... page with the name "Cashola" and the content "money as zeke percieves it". Simple vandalism, was deleted immediately.

But do you, my non-existent readers, understand what it means? The wiki is finally known enough to be vandalized! Woot!

1 comment:

manfred said...

For reference:

- The Socialized Medicine Scheme: Bending the Cost Curve from The Last Embassy quotes Price Controls. Given the research and referencing done in the blog this is quite a compliment.
- it was also exclusively mentioned on the Anarchy Is Order,Government Is Civil War blog. A dedicated blog post!